New cameraless piece selected for CPA’s “2020 Juried International”

Land, Sea, Sky (On the Edge) is the newest cameraless piece from the project The After Life of Things, which exploits the random marks and color shifts characteristic of expired photo paper to explore the materiality of things and the nature of photographic materials.
This one-of-a-kind piece is composed of four fragments of a single sheet of unexposed, expired paper, assembled to suggest a landscape where the land, sea and sky come together. It reminds me of the California coastline. The lower-left panel is unprocessed and unfixed, and, much like the landscape it suggests, will change over time.
From some 2500 entries, juror Aline Smithson selected this new piece to be included in the 50 works exhibited at the Center for Photographic Art’s “2020 International Juried Exhibition.” The show runs from November 14 – December 20, 2020, and can be seen in CPA’s handsome gallery in Carmel, CA on weekends and by appointment.
Read the Juror’s exhibition article in Lenscratch.
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